Saturday, February 15, 2014

Disable Synaptics TouchPad corner taps - that maximize / restore window positions

Requires registry, since it is not exposed in UI settings control panel app.

This is for Toshiba Satellite P50-A.  Other Synaptic versions can be altered as needed.

Idea is to find all the CornerAction and CornerFlag registry entries under the Synaptics registry key and to turn them off, set to 0 for example.


  1. Backup current settings by exporting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics contents to file
  2. Save following registry content to file: Synaptics.TurnOffCornerTaps.reg
  3. Import Synaptics.TurnOffCornerTaps.reg
  4. Restart machine

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! This has been bugging me forever. I only had to change the Registry entry from "TouchPadPS2_3" to "TouchPadPS2" and restart the Synaptics processes, and it worked a charm.
